"Piast, Les Meilleures Cigarettes" ad, with Josephine Baker.
Buy Me a Coffee
1 week ago
During the 1910s young girls wore big bows on their hair that fell onto the head, and so they became known as "flappers". The name would stick with this generation, as they grew up in the 1920s.
"Piast, Les Meilleures Cigarettes" ad, with Josephine Baker.
Wow what a great ad! Love this girlie! Thanks for your kind comments on my post. Have a great day! Kori xoxo
Hi Blondie, thanks, have a great day you too. ;)
Hi Mariana,
I found your blog and this post via a Google search. I'm a freelance photo researcher working with Chronicle Books, and this ad is one they'd like to use in an upcoming book.
Do you have any idea what the original source of the image is? I've had no luck finding it, and I'm hoping that perhaps either you might know, or, failing that, you could give me a high-resolution version of this image, and I'd take it from there.
Your sites are lovely--the section of the book I'm working on is Art Deco and early 20s and 30s illustration, and I've found quite a bit through your links, so thank you!
Kris Ashley
Hi Kris, thank you very much for your lovely compliments. I believe I found this image here, in the AllPosters site:
http://www.allposters.pt/gallery.asp?startat=/getposter.asp&APNum=421184&CID=DB82E7D5D1B646A3A482867A3B15A0D2&PPID=1&search=josephine baker cigarettes&f=t&FindID=0&P=1&PP=9&sortby=PD&cname=&SearchID=
Hope that helps, and good luck with your book.
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