Tuesday 31 March 2009

Costa Fruit Grocery, Portugal, 1928

Frutaria Costa, 1928, originally uploaded by Gatochy.

Click image for 1489 x 900 size.

Scanned from the book Lisboa Desaparecida 8, by Marina Tavares Dias.

Photographed in Costa fruit grocery store, during "Artists Week", 24 January 1928.

Thursday 19 March 2009

Tuesday 17 March 2009

Ilustração, No. 116, October 16 1930

Click image for 392 x 645 size.

Fernanda Gonçalves, a Portuguese beauty queen.

Monday 16 March 2009

Tuesday 10 March 2009


Olá! Resolvi aderir ao movimento BookCrossing, cujos membros dão livros colocando-os em lugares públicos para quem os quiser apanhar. É só carregar na imagem no índice do meu blog, à esquerda (a mesma que está em baixo neste post). Irão ter ao meu perfil BookCrossing, onde podem consultar a lista de livros que tenciono dar na etiqueta "available". Carregando na etiqueta "travelling" encontrarão o livro que tenciono dar a seguir. Todos os dias, a partir das 18:00, colocarei um livro novo no café Empório do Chá, na Avenida Paris, Lisboa.

A morada é:

Empório do Chá
Av. de Paris, 19-A
1000-228 Lisboa

O primeiro livro, que podem encontrar já a partir de amanhã (11/03/2009) é o livro Planets on the Move: The Astrology of Relocation, de Maritha Pottenger e Zipporah Pottenger Dobyns. Da contra-capa:
"When you change your place of residence, you change your horoscope! Find the meaning of new aspects to the angles (Ascendant, Midheaven, etc.), aspects to house rulers, house placements of rulers and stellia, and signs on the angles when you relocate".

Read and Release at BookCrossing.com...

Espero que algum dos meus leitores encontre um livro de que gosta, e/ou que adira a este movimento.

Ilustração, No. 116, October 16 1930

Click image for 480 x 1038 size.

Monday 9 March 2009

Sunday 8 March 2009

Alfred Cheney Johnston, Jean Ackerman, 1920s

"Jean Ackerman - 1920s - Ziegfeld by Alfred Cheney Johnston. Restored by Nick and jane for Dr. Macro's High Quality Movie Scans website: www.doctormacro.com/index.html."

France 1930's

France 1930's, originally uploaded by myvintagevogue.

Brique, day dress by Paul Poiret, 1924

Click image for 399 x 900 size.

Scanned from the book Art Deco 1910-1939.

Friday 6 March 2009

Dress by Natalia Goncharova, 1924

Click image for 1025 x 2245 size.

Scanned from the book Art Deco 1910-1939.

Dresses by Sonia Delaunay, Paris 1925 Exhibition

Click image for 625 x 1199 size.

Scanned from the book Art Deco 1910-1939.

Thursday 5 March 2009

Stuart Carvalhais, Olhos Tristes, music sheet cover, 1930s

Click image for 1200 x 1500 size.

Music for the play Cigarro Brejeiro.

Music by Alves Coelho, lyrics by Ascenção Barbosa e Abreu e Sousa.

Illustration by Stuart Carvalhais. Actress Guilhermina Paiva on the cover.

Scanned from the book by Marina Tavares Dias, "Lisboa Desaparecida, volume 4".

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Sunday 1 March 2009

The New Movie Magazine, September 1930, Gloria Swanson

Click image for 459 x 594 size.

Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 30s".

Pictorial Review, March 1931

Pictorial Review, March 1931, originally uploaded by Gatochy.

Click image for 455 x 590 size.

Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 30s".