Thursday, 27 May 2010

Little black dresses, 1920s

Little black dresses, 1920s, originally uploaded by Gatochy.

Scanned from "Decades of Fashion" by Harriet Worsley. Click image for 972 x 968 size.

From the book: "The little black dress was made fashionable by Coco Chanel and Edward Molyneux and was promoted by American Vogue in 1926. Black dresses had not previously been fashionable for society women, unless they were in mourning. For one thing, they made a good base from which to show accessories. A velvet dress by the House of Jenny (above, left), another dress by Jenny showing off a tasselled lipstick holder (above, centre), and a dress by Madeleine Vionnet (above, right) with signature scalloped panels."

Dress by the House of Jenny, 1920s

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